Sign Petitions
How Can I
Take Action?
The FAPE Action Fund
Support parents needing special education advocates. The FAPE Action Fund (Free Appropriate Public Education for Students With Disabilities: Requirements Under Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973) protects the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance, including federal funds. Donate today to help parents hire advocates to support them in ARD meetings.
TKC Advocacy Fellowship
Sponsor the TKC Advocacy Training Program which pays parents who apply for a stipend to support living expenses while they build their capacity to advocate for their children in public schools.
Support Co-teaching University Interns
Fund university interns to co-teach in special needs classrooms.
Co-teaching Opportunities for University Students
Are you a university student interested in co-teaching in special needs classrooms? Search for schools to support now.
Houston Local Teachers Aides
Teachers aides in Houston ISD are only paid $12/hour to do all of the head and heart work with our children. We need them. Click here to donate to a GoFundMe that raise money for these teachers aides.
Community Voices for Public Ed
Community Voices for Public Ed is an allied group to the Houston Special Education Parent Association with whom we partner in advocacy. They have a petition out that stakeholders can sign to fight state takeover of all of HISD. It includes information on why takeover is undemocratic and strips communities of their power to hold elected officials accountable to student outcomes. Please take time to learn more to empower your community. Share on social media and if you feel compelled, sign it and send it to your elected officials including Governor Abbott.